Philip Anthony Mangan, a.k.a. The Wellness Wingman, helps overwhelmed women lose weight & regain control of their lives through daily personalized support. He is a Model, Commercial Actor, An Environmental Activist, and a Certified Personal Trainer / Fitness Nutrition Specialist. After examining how he made some of the major changes to his life over the past decade, Philip was struck with the realization that it all started by taking the time each day to work on his personal well being.

Through the daily practice of slowing down, quieting the noise, and opening his mind Philip was able to retake control of his life forming a foundation of healthy habits such as dedication, discipline, patience and self-love. Over time he noticed that the mental strength he acquired from these habits began carrying over into all areas of his life which made him happier, healthier, more confident, more productive, and more successful than he’s ever been.

Moving forward Philip decided he wanted to use the knowledge that he gained to help empower others to lose weight and retake control of their lives. His coaching specializes in providing you with personalized attention, time management skills and customized plans that are sustainable for your desired goals. Philip believes whether you want to lose weight, get healthier, become more successful at your job, or just form a better relationship with your loved ones it all starts with simply taking the time for yourself each and everyday!
